Sunday, August 19, 2007

I’ve Been Published

Sort of.

Stairwell Musei Vaticani

Stairwell Musei Vaticani by LostBob

You descend the stairwell as you exit the Vatican Museum.

This photo appears in the August 2007 issue of the Rome edition of Where Magazine. It’s one of those magazines you find on the hotel night stand, along with the room service menu.

The photo won 3rd place in the magazine’s Favorite Views of Rome photo contest on Flickr, the photo sharing web site. My photo is printed in the corner at 2 inches tall. Still, it’s nice to see one of my favorite photos actually appear in a magazine.

Check out O Roma o morte, the first place photo (on Flickr). I really like it.

After seeing the Raphael Rooms, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, and the treasures of art and history in the museum this beautiful modern stairwell returns you to the streets and the hustle and bustle of the city of Rome. It is a visual reminder of the continuity of art, history and civilization that is the City of Rome.

The same image seen in black & white

Stairwell Musei Vaticani by LostBob

Stairwell Musei Vaticani

Gondolas in the Morning

Gondolas in the Morning by LostBob

Early Morning in Venice

This was a poorly exposed shot on an overcast morning. I played with it in Photoshop LE until I got this image which I think better conveys the magic of Venice.