So why aren't there more Tibetans among us?
Updated Feb 24th:
Turns out Amos has provided the answer in an e-mail.
“Actually, the purpose of the Tibetan Book of the Dead is to help you stay dead, or in other words, to not get reincarnated. “Which pretty much explains it all.
Told you he was the expert. The only version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead I've read all the way through is the comic book version of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. And Timothy Leary's too; they both agree with Amos. And I bet some of those that do reincarnate come back as Chinese, just for revenge. Or maybe as spies. Karma!
The supply of Tibetans will eventually run out.

Samos Samon's Seudo Serial
Better still, go to Amazon where you can read an excerpt then buy his book. Amos tells me it really is very good.
Besides, he needs the money. He owes me a beer.
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He tried to advertise on my blog. I looked at his book. He is a fool who does not know what he is talking about. With books like that, it's no wonder he needs the money!
ReplyDeleteI got an email from Alex too. I generally ignore hate mail, and would not normally have mentioned him, but his comments were were way out in left field. He obviously did not actually read my posts. So I decided to use his email as an example for my comments policy. You can view this as an update to my Feburary 8th post here
ReplyDeleteAA says I owe you an apology. He says that his message was not advertising, though my blog had not mentioned the Bardo Thodol, and he says he sent his message to 150 blogs, which suggests advertising to me.
ReplyDeleteBut I could be wrong - and in fact that would be nice. I have asked him to let us know, for instance, the teachers under whom he has studied. I hope for clarification.
I’m not sure why you should owe ME an apology.
ReplyDeleteI have not read Amos’s book beyond the preview pages seen on Amazon’s book page. But at least I have read those and it’s pretty clear that it is not the work product of a fool.
On the other hand, even if Amos’s comment was an off topic attempt to draw attention to his book. It’s your blog. Delete the comment and move on. Or, if your feeling generous leave a simple reply...I’m sorry, your comment is off topic for the current post but your welcome to comment on a future more pertinent post… But to expend energy doing Google searches, coming all the way here to my meaningless blog and then spending nearly five full minutes leaving your initial dropping, Well, that just seems to be an entirely different sort of work product to me,
On a different note.
G’day. Sydney is spectacular and no one with opportunity should miss seeing it but my heart ‘s in St Kilda.. And the Zen of ‘right turn from left lane’. I arrived this time of year. Loved it there.