Monday, March 17, 2008

The Irish Brigade at Antietam

In honor of St Patrick’s Day I am posting a few shots of The Irish Brigade Monument at Antietam National Battlefield. The monument stands at the entrance to the observation tower near the end of Bloody Lane.

Irish Brigade Monument by LostBob

Irish Brigade Monument

On September 17th, 1862 the Irish Brigade suffered heavy casualties as they crossed the corn field and approached Bloody Lane. The brigade’s casualty list included 113 dead, 422 wounded and 5 missing.

Clicking on these images will enlarge them for easy reading.

Monument Detail Monument Detail

How many of those were immigrants or sons of immigrants? How many came to this country simply because there were no jobs and little food back home? Came to perform hard and dirty work for a lower wage than the folks already settled here were willing to accept? How many came simply because it was the only way they could find to feed and clothe their families?

How many were welcomed by their new neighbors in the months and years before they spilled their blood early on an autumn day in a Maryland cornfield?

Just some food for thought as we raise a pint of Guinness in honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland.

Detail Irish Brigade Monument by LostBob

Click the Pic. to visit it's Flickr PhotoPage where you can see (and download)high resolution originals. For example, the monument detail image to the left is available at 1500 x 1200 pixels.

Other pictures from the Antitam National Battelfield can be seen in my Antietam Battlefield PhotoSet on Flickr


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