Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Black & White

Black & white photos courtesy of PhotoShop Elements.

Ponte Vittorio Emanuele, Rome

Ponte Vittorio Emanuele by LostBob

Seen from Ponte Sant' Angelo

Click on the photos to visit their Flickr PhotoPage where high resolution images can be downloaded and where links to color images can be found.

Up Stairwell, Ujezd Prague by LostBob Down Stairwell, Ujezd Prague by LostBob

The stairwell to my flat on my last visit to Prague.

Clock Tower Elevator by LostBob Clock Tower Stairwell, Prague by LostBob

Elevator Shaft, and Stairwell, Prague Town Hall

Trajan Market Doorways by LostBob Broken Rocks, Trajan Markets by LostBob

Doorway and Ruins at Trajan Market, Rome

Hand with Reflecting Sphere by LostBob In Vino Veritas by LostBob

Inspired by M.C. Escher, a Glass Sphere and a Bottle of Wine.

Stairwell Musei Vaticani by LostBob

Stairwell Musei Vaticani

Check out more of my Black & White photos by visiting my Black & White PhotoSet on Flickr.

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