Thursday, April 19, 2007

Prague 1996

A magic time in the golden city

Remembering good friends and good times

Remembering Friends by LostBob

Gabriela, Dorian & Maggi at U Maleho Glena

In 1996 U Maleho Glena was arguably the best bar in town. I have pictures and stories to prove it. Vaclav Havel stopped by one Sunday night to hear some jazz. Woody Harrelson stopped in to drink some absinth and hit on Maggie.

Maggie at U Maleho Glena by LostBob Streetwalker Gabriela by LostBob

Maggi tending bar, Gabriela in Halloween attire at U Maleho Glena.

Live Music Downstairs by LostBobOn the Sax by LostBob

Live music downstairs most nights. Open mike jam on Monday, Reggae on Wednesday, Jazz Saturday and Sunday. Good folks, food and beer every night. The Sax player's name is Bill. He was the best in Prague in 1996. I remember his music but not his last name. If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

Tiger Lillies by LostBob

The Tiger Lillies, you had to be there.

1961 Skoda by LostBobClick the Pic. to see a different side of 1996 Prague.

Read my post Walking with Hillary about my stroll across the Charles Bridge with Hillary Clinton.

Or check out my idea of A Perfect Sunday in Prague

To see more photos from this magic city please visit my PhotoSets Prague 1996 and Prague 2002 on Flickr.

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